Prof.Dr. Agron Kasa, Rector of  SUT, and  members  of  the  Rectorate  took part in the promotion of  the  book “Your Olympic Guide,” which was organized by the Center for Openness and Dialogue (COD) in  collaboration with  the  Albanian  Olympic  Academy (AOSH) and  supported  by  the  Albanian  National  Olympic  Committee (KOKSH).
The author of  the  book, the President  of  the  Olympic Academy of  Ukraine, and  the  deputy were all present  at  this ceremony. Prof. Maria Bulatova, Minister of  Education  and  Sports Mrs. Evis Kushi, Mr. Fidel Ylli, members  of  the Academy, representatives  of  the  Ministry of Education (MES), lecturers, teachers, students, pupils, and  figures  who  have contributed  to  the realization of  the  Albanian  Olympic  Academy’s  mission in their 30 years of service in Albania.